2021-05-15 | Baby Ahoy Season 1 – Ozge Willem’s Birth Story

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Ozge Willem’s Birth Story

Ozge & I met for the first time in 2017 when she got in touch with me for the HypnoBirthing course.  Ozge is from Turkey and moved to The Netherlands for love. Her husband Bart is a dutch man. Ozge has keen interest in Personal developments such as understanding people and psychology. Her love for learning alternative wellness methods for self-care for mental & physical health and well-being is very apparent.

One of the first things I noticed about Ozge when I met her for the first time is her friendliness and warmth that she exudes. She is a great listener, a fantastic host & an amazing human being.  I will never forget the hospitality Ozge & Bart showed when i visited their beautiful home. I have to mention Bart’s Carrot cake is absolutely droolworthy.

In today’s episode, Ozge & I are having a conversation, a trip down the memory lane about the birth of her little boy, Atlas. Ozge had an unexpected Preterm birth at 34+ weeks.

  1. At 19 odd minutes of the Podcast, Ozge mentions about a position that she was taking while she was In labor – It’s the all fours/hands & knees position
  2. At 32 odd minutes Ozge mentions about Kraamzorg person. For people tuning in from different parts of the world. The Maternity care in The Netherlands called Kraamzorg is very unique. Right from the time the baby is born up to the first 8 days, the kraamverzorgster (a Maternity Nurse) would help the new family to get used to new addition in the family.  Please check this link for more information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraamzorg
  3. Ozge also mentions about too many staff/people in her birthing room. Please note that this was an exceptional situation as Ozge went into pre-term spontaneous labor so the hospital had a full staff ready for the birth of baby Atlas. Please note you can always say no to too many people in the room.  It’s about informed decision making about whether you give consent or refuse. 
  4. At 39 mins Ozge mentions about waterpokken illness which is chickenpox caused by a varicella-zoster virus



Chitra Natarajan

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