HypnoBirthing® Refresher Course

HypnoBirthing® refresher course is ONLY for Parents who have done the HypnoBirthing – Mongan Method course first time around

If you are having another baby and would like a refresher on how the HypnoBirthing techniques work. This refresher course would give you and your Partner a quick tune up with all the needs for your upcoming birth. Every Pregnancy is different and every birth is a different experience. With this course you will have the benefit of getting a quick overview of all the techniques as a refresher.  We will go through the following as part of the course 

Childbirth Preparation EnglishThree Breathing techniques  – Calm Breathing, Surge Breathing & Birth Breathing
Guided Imagery (Birth Rehearsal) 
Hypnosis & Relaxation
Positive Affirmations
Different positions for Labor & Birth 
Benefits of Water Birth and help you with Birth centre Birth/Hospital Birth
Emotional Fear Release 
Planning for postpartum – Managing older sibling while you are in labor & to think through logistics during Postpartum 

Private Course session – One session * 3hours 
Cost of the Refresher course  – Euro 399 (Inclusive 21% BTW) 
Handouts & Support 

If you are interested in a refresher course then click here to enrol for the course or email me chitra@akriti.nl or call 0643061731