HypnoBirthing® is a remarkably simple, relaxed and natural approach to this most important transition in a parent’s life.
Akriti offers Childbirth Courses in Hilversum, Amsterdam and Utrecht.
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What is Hypnobirthing®? Preparing to welcome a baby is a life-changing experience. HypnoBirthing® is a remarkably simple, relaxed and natural approach to this most important transition in a parent’s life. The HypnoBirthing program teaches self-hypnosis techniques, Visualization, Breathing, Deepening techniques & Positive affirmations which helps expectant families to prepare for their upcoming birth in a positive way.
Mongan Method HypnoBirthing® is the most comprehensive birthing education program available, offering women and their partners opportunities to explore their choices and develop the decisions-making skill necessary to achieve their birthing goals. The HypnoBirthing® Institute has been in existence since 1990.
Marie (fondly and best known as “Mickey”) is certified as a hypnotherapist, hypnoanesthesiologist, and instructor of hypnotherapy. Mickey is the founder of the HypnoBirthing Institute. She is a mother of four adult children, all born in the late ’50s and early ’60s. She experienced all four labours without labour medication, using the theories of Dr. Jonathan Dye, of Buffalo, New York, and Grantly Dick-Read, of the UK, two pioneers in natural childbirth. Two of her birthings were entirely free of anaesthesia at a time when it was unheard of, and her husband was by her side in both the labour room and the “delivery” room.
‘My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a truly safe, comfortable and satisfying birthing for herself and her baby‘ – Marie Mongan.
The program is a series of 5 weekly group classes of 2.5 hours. Classes are conducted in Amsterdam, Utrecht & Hilversum. This program is affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute. The classes are a mix of theory and practice. You will also be watching videos on how HypnoBirthing® works in practice. The classes will cover the following:
Click here to enrol or request more information.